Its the beginning of a new month, I can feel the weather changing,Time to get out the sweaters and boots.
Along with the new month comes the opportunity to book a job and shipping date for bootcamp, all I have to do is wait for the call, text, email... etch.
While waiting to hear news from my recruiter I work, and go to the gym and try to find time to spend with friends. Which isn't very often. i'v managed to make some new friends at work, which is nice. I'v recently become good friends with one of the guys my age and it turned out he is enlisted in the Marines and is a member at the same gym as me, so we both work out together. its so much better working out with a buddy especially a guy.
its fun cause he reminds me a lot of my brother Andy (maybe cause they are both Marines)
I have a random note to any female in America, who is trying to lose weight, ( lets admit it thats pretty much every female in america) Don't work at a fast food restaurant. it sucks.
Anywhoo back to talking about October! I love this month, it reminds me of pumpkin pie, cute fall clothes, Halloween, pumpkin carving, baking, good smelling candles... and so much more that makes the whole year worth it. lets just say that if by some Miracle i'm working on haloween, (which i requested off) I am going to be sick... if you know what I mean. :)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
now that I finally have something to talk about, i can update my blog. trust me, I am doing all of you (2 people) a favor. if i were to update my blog every week it would be a repetitive monologue about going to work and the gym. you can thank me in the form of cash, make-up, spring clothes or whatever you think is appropriate for the occasion.
ok, so I am going to talk about MEPS, MEPS is a military processing station where all individuals interested in enlisting are sent to determine if you are eligible, pretty much its a big doctors appointment. about 30 people go trough and are processed a day. its nerve wracking because you obviously want to pass, so you don't want to weigh in "overweight" or have a medical condition that disqualifies you, sometimes annoying one of the doctors can black list you, and they will make sure that you don't pass.
I was blessed to go up on a weekend, so there where only 4 people processing. that means everything goes 10 times faster and you don't have to sit around waiting for people to finish. I was the only girl so I got most of the attention (something i'm used to) only kidding, and the doctors and military personal where nicer and more laid back.
the recruiters seamed to like me and my sarcastic attitude, ( maybe cause its something we had in common)
here are a few things I was worries about;
*being overweight= i managed to weigh in 3 pounds under the max. hallelujah
*getting my blood drawn= Easiest part of the day, didn't even feel it.
*drug test. (this involves someone watching you go pee in a cup.= yea that sucked, it took me 3 tries before I could do it. not because i didn't have to go, simply because there is nothing more nerve wracking then having someone watch you try to pee into a small little cup.
*being naked in the doctors office= that sucked too.
even though it sucked, it was worth it to be able to swear in to the Air Force at the end.
im glad that I wont be leaving for boot camp till spring, it will give me time to spend with family, and work out.
ok, so I am going to talk about MEPS, MEPS is a military processing station where all individuals interested in enlisting are sent to determine if you are eligible, pretty much its a big doctors appointment. about 30 people go trough and are processed a day. its nerve wracking because you obviously want to pass, so you don't want to weigh in "overweight" or have a medical condition that disqualifies you, sometimes annoying one of the doctors can black list you, and they will make sure that you don't pass.
I was blessed to go up on a weekend, so there where only 4 people processing. that means everything goes 10 times faster and you don't have to sit around waiting for people to finish. I was the only girl so I got most of the attention (something i'm used to) only kidding, and the doctors and military personal where nicer and more laid back.
the recruiters seamed to like me and my sarcastic attitude, ( maybe cause its something we had in common)
here are a few things I was worries about;
*being overweight= i managed to weigh in 3 pounds under the max. hallelujah
*getting my blood drawn= Easiest part of the day, didn't even feel it.
*drug test. (this involves someone watching you go pee in a cup.= yea that sucked, it took me 3 tries before I could do it. not because i didn't have to go, simply because there is nothing more nerve wracking then having someone watch you try to pee into a small little cup.
*being naked in the doctors office= that sucked too.
even though it sucked, it was worth it to be able to swear in to the Air Force at the end.
im glad that I wont be leaving for boot camp till spring, it will give me time to spend with family, and work out.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Singles ward.
Well, I'm sad to say that I finaly went to my first singles ward event. I don't know why I have such a strong hatred for anything singles ward related. Maybe the overpowering expectation they have for; you to get married and pop out at least 4 kids ASAP. Don't worry this isn't a religion rant, ok it kind of is.
"if your 24 and single your a menace to society"
-quote from the movie singled ward.
It just feels like they are trying to pair us up and throw us into that temple as soon as possible. I'm surprised that they didn't line all the girls up and say to the boys well, this is what we have choose wisely. one of the old church leaders (male) seriously tried to take a picture of me with his phone. not a nice oh hey, lets document this fun get together with a photo. it was a stand again that wall, mug shot kinda photo. apparently they do that to all the girls. Um hell no. sorry for the language, but if you try and take my photo i will take your phone and smash it. I'm coming here for the gospel not for "help" with my love life.
that is all I have to say about it for today, but don't worry singles ward is a weekly affair so I will have plenty to say in my next blog. I just know that they are going to love me.
on a sweeter note, i am going to silver wood tomorrow, with some friends. My first trip with no parents or official supervision of anyanykindkind. (I'm 18, so this is truly sad) This will be an interesting trip. I'm excited for it and dreading it all at the same time. this will be the first time i am in a swimming suit since last summer and I am not ready. There is nothing I hate more than wearing/ walking around in one. so hopefully I will have a good time and will get past my major insecurities surrounding the swimming pool. wish me luck, and hopefully i won't be writing about how sunburned i got in my next post.
"if your 24 and single your a menace to society"
-quote from the movie singled ward.
It just feels like they are trying to pair us up and throw us into that temple as soon as possible. I'm surprised that they didn't line all the girls up and say to the boys well, this is what we have choose wisely. one of the old church leaders (male) seriously tried to take a picture of me with his phone. not a nice oh hey, lets document this fun get together with a photo. it was a stand again that wall, mug shot kinda photo. apparently they do that to all the girls. Um hell no. sorry for the language, but if you try and take my photo i will take your phone and smash it. I'm coming here for the gospel not for "help" with my love life.
that is all I have to say about it for today, but don't worry singles ward is a weekly affair so I will have plenty to say in my next blog. I just know that they are going to love me.
on a sweeter note, i am going to silver wood tomorrow, with some friends. My first trip with no parents or official supervision of anyanykindkind. (I'm 18, so this is truly sad) This will be an interesting trip. I'm excited for it and dreading it all at the same time. this will be the first time i am in a swimming suit since last summer and I am not ready. There is nothing I hate more than wearing/ walking around in one. so hopefully I will have a good time and will get past my major insecurities surrounding the swimming pool. wish me luck, and hopefully i won't be writing about how sunburned i got in my next post.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
well I graduated... Yea me.
waiting to walk out and graduate with some friends.
At my Best friends Graduation for Pasco High School.
(if your wondering I am the sexy one 2nd from the left and down, you'll see me)
Even though I'm finally finished with High School, I still have finals at CBC this week, so I haven't been able to experience the "joy" of officially being done with school yet. Here is hoping that my grades are decent, as you can tell I'm a high achiever. I got a call from my brother Andy today on my cell phone, from Hawaii (just so you all know, he is ok!) hehe, it nice to know that he will call my specific cell phone and want to talk to me. I'm ignoring the fact that it could be because no one answers the home phone, and that he probably (definitely) calls others too.
Is it sad that this is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while. My life consists of sleeping, work, school and some more sleeping. I'm trying to squeeze I'm some exercise but i'm to lazy.
Just so you know I'm not a lazy Ass, I'm just taking the opportunity to sleep and be young for a little longer.
and as for the Air Force. This is what happened, I pretty much used the Marines for a long time to work out and lost a lot of weight. Then tennis started and I had to stop going, and gained all the weight back! yea me! so now I want to join but can't until i lose the weight again. so at the moment I'm working on losing and then i can leave.
Even though the military is definitely not my first choice I wouldn't choose to go to college if i magically found a bunch of money. A small part of me really wants to Experience it, I don't want to put of life to go to college where I'm not guaranteed a job after and a butt load of debt. School has the least amount of appeal to me. going into the military would be a chance to live, first.
thats my military bit. speaking of Andy doo doo is coming home, which I'm excited for and slightly sad for him. he only gets a small part of his service off a year, and he has to come home where he will have no transportation and we don't have the most exciting home. So i hope his friends take him out and he finds a way to make it fun. Maybe we can catch my leg on fire again... oh the memories.
waiting to walk out and graduate with some friends.
At my Best friends Graduation for Pasco High School.
(if your wondering I am the sexy one 2nd from the left and down, you'll see me)
Even though I'm finally finished with High School, I still have finals at CBC this week, so I haven't been able to experience the "joy" of officially being done with school yet. Here is hoping that my grades are decent, as you can tell I'm a high achiever. I got a call from my brother Andy today on my cell phone, from Hawaii (just so you all know, he is ok!) hehe, it nice to know that he will call my specific cell phone and want to talk to me. I'm ignoring the fact that it could be because no one answers the home phone, and that he probably (definitely) calls others too.
Is it sad that this is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while. My life consists of sleeping, work, school and some more sleeping. I'm trying to squeeze I'm some exercise but i'm to lazy.
Just so you know I'm not a lazy Ass, I'm just taking the opportunity to sleep and be young for a little longer.
and as for the Air Force. This is what happened, I pretty much used the Marines for a long time to work out and lost a lot of weight. Then tennis started and I had to stop going, and gained all the weight back! yea me! so now I want to join but can't until i lose the weight again. so at the moment I'm working on losing and then i can leave.
Even though the military is definitely not my first choice I wouldn't choose to go to college if i magically found a bunch of money. A small part of me really wants to Experience it, I don't want to put of life to go to college where I'm not guaranteed a job after and a butt load of debt. School has the least amount of appeal to me. going into the military would be a chance to live, first.
thats my military bit. speaking of Andy doo doo is coming home, which I'm excited for and slightly sad for him. he only gets a small part of his service off a year, and he has to come home where he will have no transportation and we don't have the most exciting home. So i hope his friends take him out and he finds a way to make it fun. Maybe we can catch my leg on fire again... oh the memories.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
catching up.
I have been sick this past week, with the usual spring sniffles. symptoms; fever, snotty nose, caughing, fatigue (fancy word for being tired a lot), watery eyes. an upside is that I get to have an excuse to stay in bed, and not go to mutual or church. don't worry, I am not going inactive I just don't like my ward. besides going to church doesn't automatically make you a great person. thats one stereotype I can't stand. but don't worry i won't bore you with church talk. An upside to being sick is that I'm drinking a tone of water (this is exciting to me, because I normally barely ever drink water), the down side is that I have to go to the bathroom about every 10 minutes.
If you were wondering This is what I looked like this week when I slept. I'm only kidding of course, picture nostrils packed with toilet paper...snot... you get the picture.
My Senior year is wrapping up here pretty quickly, its killing me how fast it is happening. I don't want this year to end, simply because up to this point everything has been planned for me, and its pretty nice. School, work, tennis, etch... it keeps me pretty busy and has some form of order to it. once I graduate I have no plans. I have to keep working at Mcdonalds to save money for the "future." In my psychology class it discusses that in america the more you work the more depressed people become so i have that to look forward to. But honestly its not that exciting.
Once this quarter of CBC is over, I am done with school. it scares me since i don't know if i will go back. I don't have enough money to go back to CBC next quarter so I'm done. (at this moment I regret lending my money to a certain someone.) All well, lesson learned.
"living in a van, down by the river"
chris Farley.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
RIP my ugly grandma car.
its hard because my schedule is so busy and I'm involved with so many things it doesn't help that I'm half way through my senior year I'm more busy than ever. I'm going to have to prioritize and cut out some of the things that I have been doing. so good by tennis, goodbye marine work outs... not even sure if ill be able to keep up with my job. hopefully I can figure it out... I'm too young to have a stroke right?
so in advance if I go missing it was that creepy guy on the transit that did it. And I expect someone to kick his A@@... its the most u could do.
one thing that this year (2012) has taught me is that the economy really does suck... no way am I ever going to get out of this house... they can make a new movie based on me called the 40 year old who never got out of the house. ( good tittle I know, you'd go see it right? ) how do people do it? My friends who is one year older than me just managed to get married and is now living in a duplex that she owns... what? as far as I knew she never had a job. I just don't get it.
new word of the week FRUSTRATED... so have fun at college to all my friends who are leaving me here in pasco.
I know what your thinking... WOW, teenage rant on a car dying. yep thats exactly what this is. I hope that you enjoyed it.
This is my car! I walked out of work and found that it had been surran wrapped... I wonder who... haha. RIP car you where great to me. I will miss you. for those of you who don't know my car is dead and we can't afford a knew one. so looks like I'm walking to work.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
its a brand new sparkly clean year.
Id like to name this image: What you looking at?
To make up for not posting in a long time i would like to share this image that reminds me to smile, and not take life to seriously. ( I mean come on look how he dies, he got savagely attacked by a huge snake.... not good)
I have a confession to make...
the reason that I don't post many blogs is that I'm afraid that I will go crazy and go on an insane hormonal women rant that will land me in room #24 in the crazy ward. it seams like when I get my fingers onto the key board and begin writing in the little brown box, all the things that annoy me, stress me out, piss me off... (ultimately the things I would like to say but shouldn't) fight to get out. trust me, I'm protecting you. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for keeping my blogs pretty clean. so think about that and stuff it into your back pocket.
any whooo. this week has been crazy... juggling family life, school, work, working out,friends recruiters,church life...
id like to think that this is just preparing me for a life of celebrity- ism or at least awesomeness.
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