Wednesday, June 13, 2012


well I graduated... Yea me.

                                         waiting to walk out and graduate with some friends.
                                      At my Best friends Graduation for Pasco High School.
                   (if your wondering I am the sexy one 2nd from the left and down, you'll see me)

Even though I'm finally finished with High School, I still have finals at CBC this week, so I haven't been able to experience the "joy" of officially being done with school yet.  Here is hoping that my grades are decent, as you can tell I'm a high achiever. I got a call from my brother Andy today on my cell phone, from Hawaii (just so you all know, he is ok!) hehe, it nice to know that he will call my specific cell phone and want to talk to me. I'm ignoring the fact that it could be because no one answers the home phone, and that he probably (definitely) calls others too.

Is it sad that this is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while. My life consists of sleeping, work, school and some more sleeping. I'm trying to squeeze I'm some exercise but i'm to lazy.

Just so you know I'm not a lazy Ass, I'm just taking the opportunity to sleep and be young for a little longer.

and as for the Air Force. This is what happened, I pretty much used the Marines for a long time to work out and lost a lot of weight. Then tennis started and I had to stop going, and gained all the weight back! yea me! so now I want to join but can't until i lose the weight again. so at the moment I'm working on losing and then i can leave.

Even though the military is definitely not my first choice I wouldn't choose to go to college if i magically found a bunch of money. A small part of me really wants to Experience it, I don't want to put of life to go to college where I'm not guaranteed a job after and a butt load of debt. School has the least amount of appeal to me.  going into the military would be a chance to live, first.

thats my military bit. speaking of Andy doo doo is coming home, which I'm excited for and slightly sad for him. he only gets a small part of his service off a year, and he has to come home where he will have no transportation and we don't have the most exciting home. So i hope his friends take him out and he finds a way to make it fun. Maybe we can catch my leg on fire again... oh the memories.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget- you are also my babysitter! Soooo not lazy! I love your desire to liiiive and not just get sucked into things you don't want to do. Way to stick up for yourself! I love you!
