now that I finally have something to talk about, i can update my blog. trust me, I am doing all of you (2 people) a favor. if i were to update my blog every week it would be a repetitive monologue about going to work and the gym. you can thank me in the form of cash, make-up, spring clothes or whatever you think is appropriate for the occasion.
ok, so I am going to talk about MEPS, MEPS is a military processing station where all individuals interested in enlisting are sent to determine if you are eligible, pretty much its a big doctors appointment. about 30 people go trough and are processed a day. its nerve wracking because you obviously want to pass, so you don't want to weigh in "overweight" or have a medical condition that disqualifies you, sometimes annoying one of the doctors can black list you, and they will make sure that you don't pass.
I was blessed to go up on a weekend, so there where only 4 people processing. that means everything goes 10 times faster and you don't have to sit around waiting for people to finish. I was the only girl so I got most of the attention (something i'm used to) only kidding, and the doctors and military personal where nicer and more laid back.
the recruiters seamed to like me and my sarcastic attitude, ( maybe cause its something we had in common)
here are a few things I was worries about;
*being overweight= i managed to weigh in 3 pounds under the max. hallelujah
*getting my blood drawn= Easiest part of the day, didn't even feel it.
*drug test. (this involves someone watching you go pee in a cup.= yea that sucked, it took me 3 tries before I could do it. not because i didn't have to go, simply because there is nothing more nerve wracking then having someone watch you try to pee into a small little cup.
*being naked in the doctors office= that sucked too.
even though it sucked, it was worth it to be able to swear in to the Air Force at the end.
im glad that I wont be leaving for boot camp till spring, it will give me time to spend with family, and work out.
Onward and forward! I love you! This is all super exciting. I will miss you though.