Sunday, July 17, 2011

Test drive

My inspiration!
hello blogging world! this post is going to be short and sweet. I suppose that I am going to just write about whats on my mind, and its not that great. My dirty room! now that summer school is over, I get to lay in my bed as long as I want. the fact that i'm laying in my bed all day has nothing to do with me being tired, I'm just trying to indulge in teenage practices as long as I can considering I don't know what I am going to do after I graduate or how much time I have left to be a teenager or lazy. As I lay in my bed it seams that my room just gets more and more trashed. the things are pilling up and I know that I am am going to have to clean it soon. so wish me luck! so far you have witnessed the amazing life of me! isn't it exciting? (sarcasm)

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