Saturday, January 24, 2015


                                                                  Good Morning!

it's 2:00 am on saturday in Vancouver, WA, and I am wide awake. Why am I awake? I am trying to adjust my schedule since I am starting a new full time night job at NIke in a week or 2. Woot woot!

something I am working on is being more positive and trying to not see everything as the worst thing in the world. DRAMA. I am calm and thinking things trough, this is what I tell myself. like all people I have no idea what I'm doing on a daily basis, and I will admit that. but I am taking it one step at a time and going for it.

*i'm thankful for all the job opportunities I have been getting recently and for friends who are awesome and willing to take me in. iv decided that sometimes the "easy way" isn't the best way. so I'm out on my own and apartment hunting. I'm excited to see were this new journey leads me. I'm also thankful for awesome sisters. I would definitely not have  survived if it weren't for them.

i'v been a little obsessed with selflies lately!

<3 hugs and kisses. X0X0X0X0


  1. You are awesome and you know we all love the selfies!! Love you, Beautiful!

  2. Still so beautiful. I live you, sis!
