Monday, September 19, 2011

things fall into place...

It has been a really long time since I have posted anything, and its mostly because I could not think of what to say or most importantly how to write it down. this post most likely will be a jumble of things. but thats how I usually am anyway. :) a jumble of random things.

I'd like to dedicate this random part to my Family... even though they are skilled in the annoying catagory i love them. the hardest part about leaving or deciding to leave after high school is that I won't be able to see them or watch my Nieces grow up. or that my brothers won't help my mom and ignore her, how will she get around? I'm the only one who can drive the younger ones around since dad works all the time... THEY NEED ME!!!!! I might be being a tad bit overly dramatic but i'm entitled to it at least 5 times a day as a teenage girl, with no judgment. I do hope that I am over reacting and that they will be fine when I leave.
I just found out that my almost sister in law/ brothers Fiancé fell and lost her baby that she was expecting with my brother. I hope that things will work out and that they will both be happy.
"life isn't about the trials we have, its how we react to them"
I hope that they can move on and work even harder to be together or to do what they need to be happy, what ever life has in store for them.

I'm taking the ASVEB today... and I'm pretty nervous!

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