Sunday, April 29, 2012

catching up.

       I have been sick this past week, with the usual spring sniffles. symptoms; fever, snotty nose, caughing, fatigue (fancy word for being tired a lot), watery eyes. an upside is that I get to have an excuse to stay in bed, and not go to mutual or church. don't worry, I am not going inactive I just don't like my ward. besides going to church doesn't automatically make you a great person. thats one stereotype I can't stand. but don't worry i won't bore you with church talk. An upside to being sick is that I'm drinking a tone of water (this is exciting to me, because I normally barely ever drink water), the down side is that I have to go to the bathroom about every 10 minutes.

If you were wondering This is what I looked like this week when I slept. I'm only kidding of course, picture nostrils packed with toilet paper...snot... you get the picture.

My Senior year is wrapping up here pretty quickly, its killing me how fast it is happening. I don't want this year to end, simply because up to this point everything has been planned for me, and its pretty nice. School, work, tennis, etch... it keeps me pretty busy and has some form of order to it. once I graduate I have no plans. I have to keep working at Mcdonalds to save money for the "future." In my psychology class it discusses that in america the more you work the more depressed people become so i have that to look forward to. But honestly its not that exciting. 

Once this quarter of CBC is over, I am done with school. it scares me since i don't know if i will go back. I don't have enough money to go back to CBC next quarter so I'm done.  (at this moment I regret lending my money to a certain someone.)  All well, lesson learned. 

"living in a van, down by the river" 
chris Farley.