Wednesday, January 18, 2012

RIP my ugly grandma car.

so this is the end of the road for my ugly grandma car. two days ago on argent (the devils road) it came crawling to an end in front of the school. We are now a family of 6 and 1 car that my dad needs to use for work everyday. since I'm used to being free with a car of my own. there is nothing more that I hate then asking for rides. I feel like a bumb. looks like I'm going to have to start being creative... so hello transit, hello bike, hello walking.

its hard because my schedule is so busy and I'm involved with so many things it doesn't help that I'm half way through my senior year I'm more busy than ever. I'm going to have to prioritize and cut out some of the things that I have been doing. so good by tennis, goodbye marine work outs... not even sure if ill be able to keep up with my job. hopefully I can figure it out... I'm too young to have a stroke right?
so in advance if I go missing it was that creepy guy on the transit that did it. And I expect someone to kick his A@@... its the most u could do.

one thing that this year (2012) has taught me is that the economy really does suck... no way am I ever going to get out of this house... they can make a new movie based on me called the 40 year old who never got out of the house. ( good tittle I know, you'd go see it right? ) how do people do it? My friends who is one year older than me just managed to get married and is now living in a duplex that she owns... what? as far as I knew she never had a job. I just don't get it.

new word of the week FRUSTRATED... so have fun at college to all my friends who are leaving me here in pasco.

I know what your thinking... WOW, teenage rant on a car dying. yep thats exactly what this is. I hope that you enjoyed it.

These are my friends, and I'm glad to have them. there always there to help me and to give me rides if my car dies. I would not be able to survive high school with out them. I swear I would have a mentle break down if i didn't have them. :)
This is my car! I walked out of work and found that it had been surran wrapped... I wonder who... haha. RIP car you where great to me. I will miss you. for those of you who don't know my car is dead and we can't afford a knew one. so looks like I'm walking to work.

I got a herrr cut. yep, its been a while so I decided it was time to trim the edges.
These are my two boyfriends ... naw this is me and monika. they kidnapped me and we just did some crazy things.

alright... and last but not least. IT SNOWED. A LOT. plus now of being a carless hobo I don't have to drive in the snow.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

its a brand new sparkly clean year.

Id like to name this image: What you looking at?

To make up for not posting in a long time i would like to share this image that reminds me to smile, and not take life to seriously. ( I mean come on look how he dies, he got savagely attacked by a huge snake.... not good)

Along with the new year (2012) , CBC's Fall courter has begun. I look back fondly at the days when all I had to worry about was waking up on time to get to work at 4:00pm. my hope is that I will get into the swing of things and actually on track with all of my school work by week 2, considering I just received my books in the mail, which makes me a week behind.

I have a confession to make...
the reason that I don't post many blogs is that I'm afraid that I will go crazy and go on an insane hormonal women rant that will land me in room #24 in the crazy ward. it seams like when I get my fingers onto the key board and begin writing in the little brown box, all the things that annoy me, stress me out, piss me off... (ultimately the things I would like to say but shouldn't) fight to get out. trust me, I'm protecting you. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for keeping my blogs pretty clean. so think about that and stuff it into your back pocket.

any whooo. this week has been crazy... juggling family life, school, work, working out,friends recruiters,church life...
id like to think that this is just preparing me for a life of celebrity- ism or at least awesomeness.