Tuesday, October 18, 2011

another crazy week.

since my mom has gotten out of here hip replacement surgery and is recovering she has to have physical therapy at least 3 times a week, add that to school, work, studying, and trying to work out as much as possible, I pretty much have a hard time fitting everything in and giving my school assignments 100%. I'v definitely noticed myself doing worse in school lately. it kinda sucks but this is life. I just hope that she will be willing to give me gas money for driving her around. doubtful though, my family isn't really a giving community when it comes to gas. in the meeting my mom was telling her therapist that she wanted to be driving soon. someone grab a shotgun and shoot me in the head real quick. its not that I'm being a total brat about it, I just don't feel safe when A.) she has to lift her leg to set it on the gas or brake (this was even before the surgery) and b.) she can't even get herself in and out of the car by herself. her having to use the car is just going to be stressfull especially with time management (since she is always late and not reliable.)
don't judge me, this is the only time I get to bitch and moan about annoying things (I'm sure that others would tell you different.)

on a lighter note, this concludes ( is that the right word?) week 3 of operation; loose lots of weight so I can finally fit into my first sexy swim suit and get super sexy strong. haha long tittle i know. so the results are in from weighing myself everyday. (its a bad habit) and I'v lost 10 pounds. I also ran 2 miles today with my friend Roxy, without stopping... impressive... I'm a beast... and I can lift 10 pounds on the bar in the gym. oh yea!!! haha. so I know weigh 140 pounds yea..

to celebrate my tiny accomplishment I am rewarding myself with my first ever facial.

the sad thing though is that I can't tell that I'v lost any weight, hopefully when I loose more it will be more noticeable, And I won't have to avoid walking near the mirrors in the gym anymore. you know you do it too. unless of course you've got a nice body.

I'm also back at square one on where the heck I'm going after i graduate... we will see what happens.
This has been a short glimpse into the crazy life of an average teenager.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I am sitting here at Kadlec with my mom I'v been here for and hour and a half so far (I think All of my readers would appreciate the) ... watching an unknown movie on TV, with Bill Murray, and John Candy, its pretty funny, its about them joining the Army.

It kinda makes me think more about joining since its pretty much on my mind all the time. I went to The Marine Recruiting Station to work out with foxy Roxy for the first time and almost died. It made me really want to quite. I don't exactly have a good history of sticking with things. i'm pretty much a quitter. But I'm going to stick with this for now.

I'm kinda sick of being over weight. Its about time I can look at a photo of myself thats below the neck and be happy about it. I heard that the first step to losing weight is to let people know so that you feel more ashamed when you fail. well I made the last part up, but its pretty much true. so here we go. I topped this year off by weighing 150 flippen pounds. I figure if I never told people how much I weigh i wasn't that big, but the truth is its kinda obvious. so I lost 5 pounds on my own so far and am at a wooping 145 PNDS. I have to lose 2o PNDS to even slightly qualify for the Military. So I will be working out and eating "better" So if you see my eating junk food or sitting on my butt yell at me to get my "Ass in gear," something that always gets me moving and laughing when my "personal trainer" yells at me when we run. your probably also wondering why I have a very suggestive picture of a hotty on my page... because this is my inspiration. haha don't judge me. I'v gotta dream big

So week 2 of working out (being permanently sore also) and kinda eating better and i'v lost 1 pound! yes!!!!!! I'm a beast, no need to tell me.

anyhow back to the hospital, I'm with mom and she's in a really good mood, laughing (the movie is pretty funny) and being the mommy that I love.... I think that her new hip is a big chunk of her good mood, she's pretty excited to being better, or improved. maybe its the absence of my brothers that has her stress free. maybe someone would be willing to take them forever? any passing by creepy vans interested? oh man have i gone to far? haha.

excited for my Andy roo to come back home in a couple weeks, and to work with MaryAnn on the surprise Daddy party... and if this gets out I know who I will have to interrogate. all 2 of you be warned.